Well, here we are—another year in the books! We’re doing fine, all things measured. Our kids are well. The grandkids are growing up too fast. This past year had us staying closer to home, working on home projects that seemed never-ending. You know how it goes: one thing leads to another, and before we knew it, we were knee-deep in paint cans; cleaning out closets; hauling stuff to Goodwill; changing out electrical fixtures; ordering new furniture; wall art—and then the water heater blew up on a holiday weekend (naturally). It’s always something. That said, I did manage to get up to Idaho a few times to see Allie. We had some great moments together—however, I’ve yet to spot a moose. Do they really exist? The search goes on. In the meantime, here are some of my favorite images from 2024…
Noah's imitation of a T-Rex - Los Angeles Museum of Natural History.
Foyer of Los Angeles Museum of Natural History
MARCH... ❄ ☃
Allie & Brandon's property in Idaho.
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Hanging out with Wyatt. The little cowboy is 4 years old now.
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Logan and me in the Iron Door Cave - Joshua Tree Nat'l Park.
He's 16 now; a junior in high school.
Hayden in the Outback - Joshua Tree Nat'l Park
She's 12, almost a teenager.
JUNE... 🌞
On a jet plane with Heather.
Lake Pend Oreille in Idaho.
Brandon, Allie, and Wyatt (asleep at the wheel).
Heather and Allie at the Gerold Ranch.
Terry on the Hiawatha Trail - Idaho/Montana border.
This is the longest tunnel (1.6 mi.) on the ride.
Hiawatha Trail
Another day on Lake Pend Oreille.
Morro Bay
Morro Bay
OCTOBER... 🍂 🍂 🍂
Wyatt in a pumpkin patch - Mead, Washington
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With Allie at Walter's Fruit Ranch - Mead, Washington.
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Head of pumpkin patch security - Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
Doug, Terry, and Randi.
Brianna & Doug, with Noah and Penny.
I went as a Navy flight-deck Air Boss, guiding the cars in hot and fast into the
parking lot at student drop-off. "Tuck and roll!"
Thanksgiving - Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Mary Ann with her daughters, Kathy, Maureen, Beth, and Terry.
Penny got a pony for her 2nd birthday. Yeeee-ha!
Spokane, Washington.
With sister-in-law Eileen and brother TJ on an after-dark walking
tour of Spokane Falls. Thirty-three degrees and raining. Brrrrr.
The Thanksmas family gathering in Riverside.
Kevin, Randi, and Terry on Christmas Day.
Wishing everyone a happy 2025!